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FM Financial, GuideStream’s parent company, was founded in 1987 as a non-profit to serve the stewardship needs of the people and churches of the Free Methodist denomination. As FM Financial assisted donors with their charitable giving, it became evident there was a need for an organization qualified to also serve financial planning and investment management needs from a biblical perspective.

GuideStream Financial is a Registered Investment Advisory Firm (RIA) registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FM Financial. Together we serve the planning, investing, and giving needs of individuals and organizations, all from a biblical perspective.



Why should you consider GuideStream for your financial planning and investment needs? What makes us different? While there are many aspects of GuideStream that look similar to other investment firms, there are several differentiators we believe are significant:


  • We start with planning. Planning with purpose lays the proper foundation and context for investment portfolio decisions. For this reason, your initial financial plan with us is complimentary.


  • We are motivated by biblical stewardship principles; we approach financial conversations from the perspective that we are called to be stewards of the resources God has entrusted to our care. Money is not simply meant for consumption; it is a tool that can (and should!) be used to accomplish good in the world.


  • Our team of credentialed financial professionals care about stewardship and mission as much as returns and retirement. We are happy to have conversations about planning, investing, and giving.


  • We act as a fiduciary – your interests are our priority and we put them ahead of our own. We are not paid by commissions; our fees are simple and transparent.

Investment Process

GuideStream uses a balanced approach to managing client investment portfolios:

  • All investment processes are controlled through a detailed investment policy approved by our Board of Directors.
  • The Board of Directors’ Investment Subcommittee reviews all investment performance quarterly; the committee also approves all investment related recommendations before any portfolio changes are initiated.
  • Our internal Investment Management Committee is responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating our investment strategy.

Working with a financial guide can help you say goodbye to

uncertainty, worry, and emotionally charged financial decisions.