by guidestreamfin | Dec 28, 2021 | Financial and Estate Planning
by Caitlin Koppelman Once all the holiday twinkle lights have been taken down and the Christmas carols aren’t playing on Home.FM anymore, winter can get pretty gray here in Southern Michigan. But Jackson has a host of fun activities to take advantage of this...
by guidestreamfin | Dec 1, 2021 | Financial and Estate Planning
As you’re preparing to launch into your career, there are a few important things to consider in a compensation package. The wage or salary you’ll earn is just one piece of the puzzle. With student loans breathing down your back and housing expenses on the rise, it’s...
by guidestreamfin | Jun 29, 2021 | Financial and Estate Planning
by Scott Blakemore Pete Pultz was my Jackson High School swim coach. As a student, I was certain there were training days he actually enjoyed watching us suffer through a rigorous workout. But now, as an adult, I can appreciate that he made us better...
by guidestreamfin | Dec 7, 2020 | Financial and Estate Planning
Wisdom For the Agesby Mark OlsonWhat the world needs now are people and businesses that know how to live well in this fascinating, exasperating world. Eugene Peterson described it as living in robust sanity. Anyone for robust sanity these days?The road to living well...
by guidestreamfin | Jul 14, 2020 | Financial and Estate Planning
Our minds are racing these days. The arrival of the coronavirus has added unprecedented health and economic challenges to our everyday lives. Racial tension, cries of injustice, civil unrest, and protests have further challenged the status quo in America. It is easy...
by guidestreamfin | Jun 24, 2019 | Financial and Estate Planning
Purpose, Priorities and Return on Life by Mark Olson Throughout our flawed and complex world, there is a consistent downward drift away from the elements in our lives that matter most. Slowly, over time our best intentions often become distorted by a wide range of...