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Financial and Estate Planning

The Cost of Biases

Behavioral finance—the interaction between human psychology and money—has become a major component of current economic theory. Experts on behavioral finance love to study how greed and fear cause massive swings in the markets. But behavioral finance doesn’t just exist...

Simple Fitness Truths

-By Mark Olson- Why is it that most of us have a sincere desire to manage our health and finances to their highest potential but few have effectively cared for those critical aspects of life over the long haul? Most of us will acknowledge the primary cause is that...

Financial Planning

-By Scott Blakemore- What comes to mind when you think of “Financial Planning”?  When asked what I do for a living, my response, “I’m a financial planner” is usually met with blank stares and the sound of crickets.  Now and then I get a response, “Oh, I’ve...