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Covid Update

We pray that you and your families have managed to stay well and safe during this continuing pandemic and that you are able to connect with friends and families in new and creative ways this holiday season! Please remember that your GuideStream Team remains available...


As we all find ourselves taking incremental steps back toward re-opening and recovering, the team at GuideStream wanted to give you an update. As most of you know, during the recent pandemic, the GuideStream Team stayed on the job, albeit a bit more creatively!...

Our Response to COVID-19

Helping You Navigate Life’s Currents Over the past seven years, we have methodically attempted to prepare you for what we are all currently experiencing and hearing in the financial news. While the exact events can never be predicted, history has shown that...

CARES ACT & RMDS for 2020

THE CARES ACT & REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 2020. . .  On March 27, 2020, The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was enacted. What does this mean for Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)? Under normal circumstances,...

Secure Act & Your IRA

HOW MIGHT THE RECENTLY PASSED SECURE ACT AFFECT YOUR IRA?A piece of legislation passed into law in December 2019 has changed the landscape for IRA accounts. The “Setting Every Community Up For Retirement Enhancement” (SECURE) Act is complex web of new rules and...