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Don’t Take Our Word For It

DON’T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT. . . Thoughts from your GuideStream Team

Any professional has a built-in bias for their work due to their passion and understanding of their industry. Ours is no different. However, if we ask everyday people about retirement planning, it is interesting to hear what they share.

MoneyTips (an online financial forum) recently surveyed retirees about the advice they would give those still working and how retirement has differed from what they expected. We think their answers are insightful and we want to offer a few suggestions as well.

When asked, “What is the best advice you would give to people planning to retire?”

36.8% said to “start planning today” o Time is your friend when it comes to money. It is much harder to save later in life which often leads to working longer than planned. 

28.7% said to “save more than you think you need” o General rule of thumb is save 15% of your income. If you have contribution matching from your employer, that is a great way to start earning an instant return on your savings. 

26% said to “take care of your health” o We only get one life and it is easier to keep it healthy than try to get it back once lost. We consider food and exercise an investment equally as important as saving for your retirement. Don’t neglect it. 

Literally, 91.5% of retirees listed one of these 3 pieces of advice as the MOST important thing regarding their FUTURE retirement lives. We agree with them and help clients think about these things.

Second question was, “What are your biggest miscalculations about retirement?”

20.9% answered, “how unhealthy I would be” o This is the one area of retirement where it can seriously jeopardize the best prepared plans. Healthcare is a huge expense and unless properly planed for; can financially ruin people. Medicare and Supplemental insurance are key. 

19.4% answered, “how much more I needed to save” o Understanding future cash flows is critical. Social Security should be considered as one piece of your plan, not your entire plan. We help people understand the savings and expected portfolio returns ‘math’ and how it helps fund their retirement. 

14.3% answered, “how bored I would be” o Retirement can be a great time to volunteer, help with grandkids, write about your childhood for your children and grandchildren, teach someone something or learn something new with your spouse. Just get involved doing something you enjoy or find fulfilling. 

10.1% answered, “how much longer I would live” o This is called Longevity Risk and it is real. Advances in medicine continue to improve lives and longevity. If retired at age 67, your life expectance is 85 if male and 87 if female. Many will live into their 90’s, therefore it is best to plan for it. 

Nothing about our future can be predicted with 100% accuracy, however, by understanding what decisions and situations we may face helps us take appropriate action today. That is the true power and value in planning and we recommend having a trusted guide by your side through the journey.

*MoneyTips Retirement Survey Findings January 12, 2018