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Year-End Financial Checklist

As we near the end of the year, it is time to look back at what has happened and see how it will affect your financial future. Check off these important items so that you can start the new year’s finances with peace of mind.

Review your tax withholdings.
Have you had a major life change (employment change, marriage/divorce, a new child) that affects your income tax? Check to make sure your tax withholdings have been properly adjusted. Having low withholdings can lead to tax penalties, while having too high of withholdings prevents you from accessing your money until your tax return is filed.

Donate to charity as a way to reduce taxes.
You can lower taxable income by 50 or 30 percent with a gift to a public charity or by 30 or 20 percent with a gift to a private foundation. If your gift exceeds these limits, you can roll over the excess deduction for up to five years.

Reduce your estate through gifts. 
You are permitted to give up to $14,000 ($28,000 for married couples) a year per recipient as an untaxed gift. Gifts above this value will consume part of your lifetime gift/estate tax exemption amount ($5,490,000 in 2016). If a gift directly funds education tuition or pays for qualified medical expenses, it will go untaxed no matter what the value.

Check to see when you last rebalanced your portfolio.
Although you don’t need to update your investments every year, many people go far too long without making necessary adjustments as they age. As GuideStream clients, we monitor your account and rebalance your portfolio a minimum of once per year.

If you are retired, make sure you have taken all necessary required minimum distributions (RMDs).
RMDs may be one of the most important items to review when going over your finances at the end of the year. Standard IRAs require these distributions be taken annually after the year you turn 70 ½; standard 401(k)s require them annually after you retire or turn 70 ½ (whichever is earlier). Failure to take an RMD will trigger a 50 percent excise tax on the value of the RMD. At GuideStream, we strive to be proactive in helping our client’s awareness of their RMDs. However, if you ever have questions, please contact us immediately.

Max contributions to an IRA and employer retirement plan for the year.
Both IRAs and 401(k)s have annual contribution limits. If you find you have excess savings and have not reached your annual limit, it may be a good idea to make additional contributions. Similarly, you may also consider making greater monthly contributions to your accounts next year, spreading out the cost of contribution. The deadline for IRA contributions is usually April 15 of the following year, though this may vary; 401(k) deadlines may be restricted to the calendar year, depending on your employer. If you would like to make a contribution, we are always available to help.

Check your flexible savings account (FSA).
The government only permits a $500 annual rollover in an FSA; any excess funds disappear if unused by the end of the year. If you have extra money in your FSA, you may want to schedule necessary medical or dental procedures before the end of the year.

Check your health savings account (HSA).
HSA funds don’t disappear at the end of each year like with an FSA; however, many with few medical needs discover money accumulating in their HSAs much faster than they are using it, which is a good thing.  Consider increasing contributions as this is the only savings option where both contributions and distributions for health related purposes are tax free. 

Consider contributions to a 529 plan to fund your children’s/grandchildren’s education.
529 Plans allow for you to make contributions to a tax-free account that may be used to pay for qualifying secondary education expenses. (Investors should consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses associated with 529 plans before using them. Information about